• Mandela and Obama, Stories have three legs

    It’s been quite a while since I posted last and I’ve been sitting and stewing over a whole raft of ideas after listening to a number of books and podcasts. Two books crystalized some of what I was thinking about last time in the “remixing of ideas” post. The first is “Becoming” by Michelle Obama.…

  • Radio demands attention and compels involvement

    The title of this post is stolen from Michael Enright’s NYE essay about the value of radio. Even though it’s a full three months since that essay aired, I’ve been thinking about it quite a bit. The medium of radio is such that it is very similar to the human voice that we all start learning from.…

  • Layers

    Over the holidays, I got a chance to spend a day at home, with nothing to do other than build a large LEGO model of the Millennium Falcon. As I was building it, the details that were part of the build helped to bring back memories from books, movies, and games. Being able to manipulate…

  • Forward and Back

    I’ll grab my soap box, and deep thought pose and with a deep breath… get going in this all annecdotal, unresearched or referenced mind dump. In the news this week, there were two stories about local newspapers shuttering in Canada. The first is CBC Sunday Edition’s story on Moose Jaw losing it’s paper (podcast) and…

  • Two Worlds Reflecting

    For almost twenty years, my professional life has centered around EdTech. Using the tools that are available to extend the ability of individuals to communicate with each other, and in so doing, teach and learn in more efficient ways. I haven’t abandoned my interest in that sphere, just shifting it away from the tools toward…

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