Tag: 17-55

  • Picture of the Week – Captured Bees

    Captured Bees Originally uploaded by idarknight This was a pure luck shot… and unless you are the parent of a young child who is bubble mad, you are likely not a “gourmet” bubble mix seeker to know that these sorts of bubbles are really quite easy to make, catch and photograph. But even with that…

  • Picture of the week – Learning to be a better pumpkin

    Learning to be a better pumpkin Originally uploaded by idarknight This week, it seems that the pumpkin is a theme for many of the events around my house. Halloween, and Thanksgiving have past, and now (today actually) it’s Diwalli. So, if I really wanted to, I could use a pumpkin to be a lantren to…

  • Picture of the Week – Rounds

    Rounds Originally uploaded by idarknight Lots of hidden karma here, but essentially, things keep going around and seeds in the distance come out and fill out in time. I like this one for the patterns and bokeh.

  • Picture of the Week – Morning Glory

    Morning Glory Originally uploaded by idarknight September often sees some amazing sun events – rise and set. But as an old prof of mine once said, don’t show me a sunrise and expect me to respect it – it’s easy to stay awake until 5 in the winter or 11 in the summer (he was…

  • Picture of the Week – Crawling Skin

    Crawling Skin Originally uploaded by idarknight I can’t think of any particular “photo learning” story behind this one. I was on a texture kick at the time and I liked the soft moss against the hard rock, so shooting away, I spotted this critter who seemed to blend in just right. So I got down…