Tag: Twitter

  • Twitter or Novelty and Engagement (nee encouraging communication)?

    The Chronicle, Fast Company and many others have picked up on this article – The effect of Twitter on college student engagement and grades (Junco R., Heiberger G., Loken E. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2010.00387.x). What struck me wasn’t how many other outlets ignored the fact that it wasn’t actually “Twitter” perse, but rather engagement and novelty that…

  • What are the new literacies that schools need to teach?

    This came up this weekend talking to my wife. It seems that in her school, there is a cadre of teachers who think that kids need to learn “keyboarding” to be literate in the new reality that will be where they find themselves in the future. This remark was quickly retorted by another teacher who…

  • Blackbird Pie

    I wonder if today is a good day for pie…less than a minute ago via webRaj Booraidarknight Well now this is cool… if you want to embed a tweet, you can now hit up Blackbird Pie to get embed code. I don’t know if it will handle conversations – can’t spare the time to test…

  • Purdue and the Back Channel

    While it is only experimental, Purdue is starting to test how to make use of the “back channel” in a lecture in the form of an application called “Hotseat“. The students seem to like it. “Hotseat is turning out to be a nice innovation. I’m seeing students interact more with the course and ask relevant…

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