Tag: Personal

  • Bucket list item checked

    Bucket list item checked

    Growing up, my brother and I had received a couple of posters from family friends. One, a red Lamborghini Countach; and the other a white Porsche 911. I remember picking the Lambo because “it was more aerodynamic”, but there was always something about that 911 that caught my eye whenever I went into my brother’s…

  • Social vs Religious Observation (Cross Posted from boora.ca)

    This afternoon, CBC Edmonton played a story about a Muslim family from Egypt who are going to be celebrating their first Christmas here in Edmonton. One segment of the story explores what other people think about the family celebrating Christmas, wondering if they are converts or aren’t “really Muslim”. The father mentions that what they are…

  • One step closer to new digs

    Eventually, this will be the view from the upper level of the new CCIS building on the campus of the U of A. My group is supposed to move into the new building in 2011 and preparations are being made now (we are ordering boxes already). The building is really going to be amazing and…

  • Fractionation of my content

    Well, now that I’ve had some time to get boora.ca up and running the way that I want with a theme that works, I’ve finally got a place that I can put my more personal content. I will still have some personal stuff here, but unless it impacts my ed/tech interests, I won’t have it…

  • JM on MJ