Tag: Google

  • Google’s Google Me – Social Circle/Social Content

    So I was logging into my work machine this morning and I accidentally hit return after I had put my name into Chrome’s magic bar. So Google diligently went off and performed the vanity search on just my first name. The result this time was different than before. I noticed a new BETA tag. Google had pulled…

  • Are the telcos missing the point?

    In a story from The Guardian, it looks like UK telcos (and that means others world wide are likely watching) are preparing to launch their own app store. They want in on the cash that seems to be flowing to Apple and Google. But something tells me that they are missing the point – much like…

  • Rooted my “Telus” Hero

    Well, after lots of research to make sure I understood what I was getting into, making sure I had enough lingo to ask a good question should I run into trouble and most importantly clearing up time in my schedule to do so, I finally took the plunge and rooted my Telus (130) Hero. Why?…

  • Buzz… why it might work out afterall

    I think I have figured out where/what Buzz will find itself most useful – In Google Hosted Mail/Apps. Why? Well instead of sending around office spam using email, office denizens can “buzz” about it and keep their inboxes clean – just don’t look at your “all mail” or “sent mail” folders/labels. The same would hold…

  • Google Buzz First Impressions

    Well, I’ve got to try Buzz and I have to say that I’m underwhelmed. The system works well for sucking in content (sometimes quite delayed), it allows for content to be reposted to one’s Google Profile, but not back out the the original site. The interface itself is like Friend Feed, but lacking the links…