Tag: Rant

  • Wii little Nike

    One of the things that I hope to be able to do this year, after surgery a year ago and Bug arriving in February was to be able to run a half marathon and to get back to my “wedding weight”. I’m just shy of both goals today. With a little luck with the weather,…

  • Two edges of mobile

    As I’m cutting through emails, tweets and stared items in my reader, I’m finding that a whole pile of stuff happened while I was “gone”. One of the things that I remember “starting” before I left was something about Pennsylvania banning, or trying to ban cell phones (and other mobile devices) in schools. I remember…

  • How we hold our students back

    Ok, so I just got out of a meeting with internship co-ordinators where I brought up the idea of using podcasts and blogs as a way to allow students to collaborate and reflect on their experiences. This would not only allow students to create an archive of their experiences, it would allow students to collaborate…

  • Apple and Anti-Virus

    This weekend, I got quite a kick out of the local radio annoucer doing her best to protect Edmonton listeners against the Koob worm that is moving through Facebook and is baiting users to install an update to their machines. While I think it was certainly an admirable thing for the announcer to do, I…

  • How is Facebook worth so much when…

    it is so tied to having to login? Well, likely to view ads… But really – for most of the people that I know, facebook it really just the container for scrabble and all the social networking that drew them in so many months ago is what you do while waiting for your turn to…