Tag: Experimenting

  • Rooted my “Telus” Hero

    Well, after lots of research to make sure I understood what I was getting into, making sure I had enough lingo to ask a good question should I run into trouble and most importantly clearing up time in my schedule to do so, I finally took the plunge and rooted my Telus (130) Hero. Why?…

  • My Android App List

    Running 1.5, and not knowing when/if/how I’ll be getting 2.X via Telus and needing to have a phone that can do what a ‘berry does has taken some digging and I think I’ve almost got it. Here’s what it took to get my ‘droid to about the same place as my ‘berry – and further…

  • Win7 RC1 in VM

    Well it certainly installs fast and seems to be stable in the VM, but I’ll have to really play on it to see if it is something that I might want to consider as fallback option to my Hackintosh build…

  • Planning to grow my own Apple

    There are only two things of value in the world, time and money. This is true for anything you want to try to evaluate. If you don’t get paid much, you might very well have lots of time on your hands (notice, I didn’t say enough, and this is assuming that you are not putting…

  • My first trip on my 4th Safari

    Arg! This seems to sum up my first run tests for Apple’s latest Chrome motivated kick at the browser can. Now, with IE8 out (and Gazelle on the way), Chrome 2 coming, FF3.1 almost there (depending on what day you catch the developers), Safari 4 beta rounds out the crowd of popular browsers that are…