• The grind – Or maybe that’s what happened to get those ideas out

    The grind – Or maybe that’s what happened to get those ideas out

    Normally, whenever that was, I would go out for a run, zone out to my heartbeat, breath, or the sound of my feet falling on the pavement and have a storm of ideas come into my head as a shapeless mass and then leave fully formed. I could take these ideas and do something new…

  • Starting things – another look

    Last time I wrote about starting things back up as society. This time I want to put out some thoughts, about thoughts. I know that’s a meta thing, but this isn’t a philosophy paper that I’m being marked on *assuming anyone is reading… So for the past few weeks, at least since I wrote last…

  • It’s starting things that’s going to get harder

    As we are now some 70 days into the “at home” paradigm, and with some elements of the economy and society opening up things are moving toward a sticky turning point. For parents helping their children “learn from home” are dealing with screen fatigue with the novelty of life through video chat erodes. For children,…

  • This may help…

    Humans think in stories, and we try to make sense of the world by telling stories. Yuval Noah Harari It seems that this is what we are all doing. Not specifically just now during the pandemic, but all the time. Context has just allowed us to to slow down and notice things a little more.…

  • Farsighted

    Just finishing up Steven Johnson’s Farsighted and though it is a book about decision making, it makes a great point about the role and power of storytelling. Johnson talks about stories breeding ways that humans have developed to run simulations of a multi variate world. While they don’t always provide direct, stories (with novels given…

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