Starting things – another look

Last time I wrote about starting things back up as society. This time I want to put out some thoughts, about thoughts. I know that’s a meta thing, but this isn’t a philosophy paper that I’m being marked on *assuming anyone is reading…

So for the past few weeks, at least since I wrote last time, I’ve been trying to write more. Get the things that are in the back of my mind out. But I haven’t been able to. They sit there… spinning, and when I try to point form them or otherwise structure them nothing works. So this morning, talking with Neelam, trying to explain this, it struck me. Maybe why I can’t get these thoughts started into anything that has shape is that there is a structure lacking to try to build it with. I looked to what Ken is doing with his journaling and tried to do the same, but nothing happened.

Think of all the construction/constructivism ideas that are out there. The idea that we build on other ideas and experiences both with others and within ourselves to make new meaning. Well, it seems that over the past while those experiences have really evened out. The past has (at least for me) ground into a bland paste as it were. And I think the spark that helped me get this idea out was spending a good chunk of yesterday grinding out missions and bounties in Destiny 2 (Go clan Dadia – We play while they sleep!). A few puzzles, some fire fights, and a dose of progression let some things start bubbling. Most specifically this idea;
Why can I not write on ideas that are not in my immediate past or to describe things for work?

I didn’t have that push to make something out of whole cloth because there wasn’t anything to make it with. This is not to say that I haven’t been able to write at all – as I mentioned, I’m writing what I need to. But that’s for experiences that are narrow in scope and in the past. I’m talking about writing about ideas that are new and looking forward. The synthesis, not the analysis part of things that’s causing me grief.

Of course, this might just be me. But I have a feeling that it might not be. There are likely others out there that are feeling the same way. So what’s the way forward? How do you start things? How does that creative spark get going again? If you are like me, and the day to day interactions that you are having are not sparking enough to get ideas to start, you might need some lighter fluid.






One response to “Starting things – another look”

  1. Ken Bauer Avatar

    Thanks for the glove tap Raj. Trust me that getting that daily post out has been difficult, even [with] that structure in place. I have actually slipped some days but posted them the next day. I grant myself that permission.

    I do believe that forced daily reflection and the consistency of my #educoffee project has led to other creative tasks happening.

    This is all very difficult but often we get through it better together.
    *edit spelling

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