Tag: Teaching and Learning Strategies

  • Deconstruct to find the story

    A colleague in one of the courses that I support sent this (Clark IE, Romero-Caldero ́ n R, Olson JM, Jaworski L, Lopatto D, et al. (2009) ‘‘Deconstructing’’ Scientific Research: A Practical and Scalable Pedagogical Tool to Provide Evidence-Based Science Instruction. PLoS Biol 7(12): e1000264. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000264) out to a group of us today. Not being…

  • JSB – Learning in the Digital Age

    Teaching the ‘net generation – Brown looks at how pedagogy has moved (or has it?) from knowledge transfer to social models of learning that encourage and indeed rely on the participation and even play on the part of the students and move the instructor from the role of the ultimate authority to one of “content…

  • Geek Competencies

    Helen Haste, of the Harvard Graduate School of Education has identified five competencies that we should be teaching our students: Managing Ambiguity. “Managing ambiguity is that tension between rushing to the clear, the concrete, and managing this ambiguous fuzzy area in the middle. And managing ambiguity is something we have to teach. Because we have…

  • Fail to Grow

    I forgot if I caught this off of Twitter or off one of my feeds, but Peter Bregman writing for Harvard Business wrote an interesting article on why you need to fail. Why if you never fail, you can’t ever really grow. It turns out the answer is deceptively simple. It’s all in your head.…

  • The power of the token economy

    I’m sure you’ve seen one of those posters quoting ” – everything you need to know you likely learned in kindergarden – ” One of those things is that part of the world works because you have enough coins/stars/stickers. These are part of the token economy that is present in elementary school classrooms. Kids earn…