Tag: Family

  • Spirit


    This summer, we roamed around Alberta. From Waterton in the south to Japser, Drumheller, and around Edmonton. Through all these travels, we made all manner of memories. Well at least three of us did. The little one didn’t but in making memories with him, I think there was something far more important happening. We were…

  • Fly


    So this weekend, while visiting family in Lethbridge, at an age of just over seven months, it seems that little K has become self aware. For the first time, he signed for milk, moved with intent, and participated in a game. I know Bug went through all these stages, but they happened so fast that…

  • Wow 6 years

    Wow 6 years

    Just like today, at least this morning, it was pretty cold 6 years ago. With one small difference. I was still waiting to be a dad. Bug was resting after trying to be born all night, and it’s not until quarter to 5 in the evening that she’s actually arrive. But what a time this…

  • And So It Goes

    And So It Goes

    So another year has come and this year is the first in many where I’m not seeing any really dark clouds or major barriers on the horizon. This year actually seems calm. So by saying that I may have likely jinxed myself. In getting here lots has changed. The biggest one is sitting on my…

  • Million Dollar Family

    Million Dollar Family

    Well here we are. The million dollar family. So called because there is one son to inherit the wealth of the family and one daughter to grow the wealth. Or whatever that is supposed to be these days. For Neelam and I, it’s the Mastercard family. It’s priceless. Khyan arrived October 10, 2014, and after…