Picture of the Week – Chateau L’Sparrow

Chateau L’Sparrow

Originally uploaded by idarknight

When it rains it pours and for me, it’s been noticing the incredible variety of Sparrows that are in my neighborhood (I really have to get my feeder up). This is from a set I shot a few weeks ago now, but it marked the first time that I started to notice the different types of bird. Previously I had only looked at the body and if I saw the brown and white winds and typical body, I just thought it was a House Sparrow – each with variable amounts of nutrition to account for the heft. But now, I’m starting to notice the heads and beaks.

One thing I really like about photography, outside of the technical elements is the way that it brings to my attention the details that I would never have otherwise noticed.





2 responses to “Picture of the Week – Chateau L’Sparrow”

  1. Michael Barbour Avatar

    Raj, things to look for – body (particularly chest), wings, eyes (particularly for streaks or eyebrows), beak, and tail. These are where us novices notice the most differences.

    1. Raj Avatar

      I hear you there – it’s easier to notice those things when you are looking for them. I used to be pretty good and picking out raptors, but never really paid attention to the smaller critters until this spring.

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