So this weekend, while visiting family in Lethbridge, at an age of just over seven months, it seems that little K has become self aware. For the first time, he signed for milk, moved with intent, and participated in a game. I know Bug went through all these stages, but they happened so fast that…
The Pacific
My favorite flower is plumeria. I first saw them in Hawaii and quickly built an association with the magic of those islands with the flower. But recently, in Mexico, I also saw them. Connected by climate, and the Pacific Ocean, these flowers always catch my eye and ease my mind. I thought this special feeling was…
The Lexus Line
Before Bug was born, the first vehicle that I purchased was a ’06 Highlander Hybrid. I loved that machine. I was always against buying an SUV because I saw them as oversized planet killers. But I told Neelam that if I were ever to get one, it would have to be a hybrid. And sure…
Wow 6 years
Just like today, at least this morning, it was pretty cold 6 years ago. With one small difference. I was still waiting to be a dad. Bug was resting after trying to be born all night, and it’s not until quarter to 5 in the evening that she’s actually arrive. But what a time this…
Frozen February
Well birthday month is on us again. Between family and friends, there is quite a bit of celebrating to be had. But it’s also the month that the temperatures head back into the freezer. This year doesn’t seem to be that much different. One thing that is different is that this year, I’m changing my…