Truth and Perspective – Laughing to the other side
I was listening to the October 27th Startalk Daily as Neil deGrasse Tyson talks to Bill Maher. During the interview, cut together with other conversations, Maher brings up some interesting points that I’m sure we have all heard in some manner before. The first is truth. The second is laughter. Looking at the second point first, there…
The Power of Stories to Teach
Being away from the academy in a formal manner for years has started to really start an itch in me. For the longest time, I defined my interests in terms of how technology can be used to extend one’s ability to make messages accessible, and by extension, improve teaching outcomes. Over the past few years…
X or Ten
It’s become apparent to me that I need to start writing more, and the best place to do that here is here. And with a goal or putting ideas together about storytelling, this is going to be random and techy. I woke up this morning at 12:45 to be sure I could get my hands…
What the Duck
A week in Mexico was much needed this past week, but then on returning, I came back to the same cesspool that I left. While I so feel that I need another vacation, what I need is a change. Hopefully that happens in short order, and leads to better things. If it does that may…
This summer, we roamed around Alberta. From Waterton in the south to Japser, Drumheller, and around Edmonton. Through all these travels, we made all manner of memories. Well at least three of us did. The little one didn’t but in making memories with him, I think there was something far more important happening. We were…