Tag: Medical Training

  • Another couple of mobile medical apps

    I’ve posted in the past about interesting add ons to phones like the CellScope (NYT), resources like heart podcasts and docs twittering in surgery. But recovering from a cold this week, it struck me that there is much to be told on the part of the the noises that we make when we are sick…

  • Wii Surgery

    It seems that the medical profession is one of the biggest gainers from the Wii and it’s ushering into common place the alternative interface. The Beeb has a story (originally via New Scientist) about how surgeons can improve their fine motor skills using Marble Mania and soon, on simulation that is being developed by a…

  • One man’s meat…

    Is another man’s poison – as stated by a medical colleague of mine who I sent the IBM article off to this morning. Between him and two others, one being my brother we all agreed (or at least seem to) on one thing. A system like the one that IBM has come up with is…

  • Google Earth for the body

    Well, right now this idea is for the medical community, but I don’t see it taking long to get into the hands of the educational system for the medical community and spreading from there as needed especially for biology or elsewhere a more geographic model of a body is required (think about virtual surgery/dissections).

  • Gamers can be better laproscopic surgeons

    This has been bouncing around the gaming sphere for a while, but here is another study: The Impact of Video Games on Training Surgeons in the 21st Century James C. Rosser, Jr, MD; Paul J. Lynch, MD; Laurie Cuddihy, MD; Douglas A. Gentile, PhD; Jonathan Klonsky, MD; Ronald Merrell, MD Arch Surg. 2007;142:181-186. If you…