Tag: Blackberry

  • 9000 Series

    It seems that RIM was trying to get a touch screen device to market by the end of this year, but it looks like we can look forward (GN) to seeing this by the summer of next year. Having used the iPod touch, and the iPhone, the actual keyboard is something that, either because I’m…

  • A step in the right direction

    Well, it seems that Rogers has taken a step in the right direction by introducing an unlimited email data plan for the Blackberry Pearl: Q. What are the differences between Personal E-mail on BlackBerry and other existing BlackBerry E-mail Plans? A. Personal E-mail on BlackBerry provides subscribers with access to personal e-mail (BlackBerry Internet Service…

  • Cracked Calendar

    So, I got my new/refurbed Pearl via UPS yesterday and today has been the exercise in frustration that is moving data between my two devices. The first problem – I’ve got third party apps that I needed to bring over to the new device – I’ve already paid for them, so why should I pay…

  • Opera Mini beta 4

    Well, it seems that my blackberry is on again after being upgraded via software and given a couple of hard reboots. With the new OS installed, I decided to give Opera a try again and sure enough it works now and I must say, it is very impressive. Safari on the iPhone has it beat,…

  • My fun with ten and a half

    Well, I’ve upgraded my systems to 10.5 and even though most things are looking good and “feeling snappier TM. But all is not milk and honey. On the MacBook Pro, the USB2.0 ports are acting very 1.0ish (so that is meaning no power) and Pocket Mac isn’t seeing my Blackberry, so that is annoying (to…