Online Safety

Wesley Fryer has posted a couple of good articles (chat lingo c/o Cox and online dangers) that are looking to be good resources for Internet safety.

I find it frightening, the number of teachers out there that are just ignoring online safety for seemingly petty reasons. This may be because of their personal ignorance to the fact or it may be the result of their own lack of literacy in the field. If it is the latter, it fits in well with what some have pointed out – that tech cognizant (to say nothing of savy, though the more the better) teachers are more likely to help their students learn the “ropes” as it were. This seems self evident, after all, personal experiences are what lead us to teach what we do and with the passion that we have – if there is no passion for a subject, regardless if it’s technology tentric or not, it’s not going to be taught. Imagine a star fashion designer having to teach quantum chemistry – or the other way around (that was a struggle to find some examples that wouldn’t rub too many people the wrong way).





  1. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    I think we should be talking more about teaching with passion in schools. You are correct, it is difficult to imagine some people teaching about topics about which they not only have little content knowledge, but also have little passion. As teachers we have got to be passionate about protecting children, however. And we must be passionate about preparing them to make their way independently in the world. It is like teaching your own child to drive. Hopefully we all want to help our child learn to drive in supervised environments, because we know one day they’ll be driving on their own. When they do, we want them to not only be competent and proficient, but also make good decisions when they are faced with difficult and challenging choices.

  2. idarknight Avatar

    It seems to be however, that we are living in an increasingly dispassionate world – one that doesn’t care as much about the good of the other if there is no good for the self.

    That mentality has made it’s way into so many parts of the “system” that we are starting to see it erode the core values that many of us have (not that I’m that old, but the “kids” that I’m seeing in the halls now certainly don’t give a hoot about things as I hope that my group did going through the same halls).

    If anyone works just for a paycheque, then we are doomed – they have to be willing to do things for the experience of it and have the pay secondary. But it seems that even for the most giving of us out there, even if we hold that near and dear in our own profession, there are many others that are not doing the same thing and they are making it harder for the rest of us.

    This may all be a result of the booming times we are seeing now where there is a massive amount of disposable resources, and a lack of a massive global threat. But I am hoping that things will eventually change without a war or pandemic reminding us all of what it means to be neighbours – not just next door, but now around the world.

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