Google’s Google Me – Social Circle/Social Content

So I was logging into my work machine this morning and I accidentally hit return after I had put my name into Chrome’s magic bar. So Google diligently went off and performed the vanity search on just my first name. The result this time was different than before. I noticed a new BETA tag.

Google had pulled up not only me, but people who I have in my address book and their content as well – in a “Facebook turned inside out” manner, it seems that they have taken the original ideas behind Pagerank and Backrub and made it social.

If I go and take a look, I get some interesting results. Some of the returns make sense, others don’t. But not bad for a three letter search parameter. At this point, it is certainly geeky and likely not something anything other than edupunks geeks would get into in the educational realm, but the fact that Google is starting to search socially suggests that things are certainly going to heat up soon between Google and Facebook.







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