Category: Learning

  • Sir Ken on, what else, reforming education

    It would seem that we are victims of our own “success” – those items that can be tested in a standardized environment are being rewarded when we think we are trying to get them to be “outside the box thinkers”. When the kids do, we medicate them into oblivion. I’ll leave the rest to Sir…

  • Repeated confessions of a Digital Native/Resident – was Digi/Ana

    Natives/Immigrants, Resident/Visitors – But what about people who are born “digital” and then want to leave (digital refugees?) or those who are residents (native born, or resident by choice or situation) of the Analogue Isles and never want to venture out of a world that is working just fine and sometimes even trumping those “kids…

  • More epistimology from Over the Hedge

    It seems that both the Tree and Verne have a point, everyone has a right to an opinion, even when we believe certain topics are immutable and absolute truth. Just take a look at the Stop Fox News North blip over the past few days. But it seems to me that Tree has got it…

  • Rapid “digital” Game Creation helps kids

    I forgot if I found this through RSS or Twitter, but here it is: Rapid digital game creation for broadening participation in computing and fostering crucial thinking skills Nikunj Dalal, Parth Dalal, Subhash Kak, Pavlo Antonenko, Susan Stansberry International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing 2009 – Vol. 1, No.2 pp. 123 – 137 10.1504/IJSHC.2009.031002…

  • Deconstruct to find the story

    A colleague in one of the courses that I support sent this (Clark IE, Romero-Caldero ́ n R, Olson JM, Jaworski L, Lopatto D, et al. (2009) ‘‘Deconstructing’’ Scientific Research: A Practical and Scalable Pedagogical Tool to Provide Evidence-Based Science Instruction. PLoS Biol 7(12): e1000264. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000264) out to a group of us today. Not being…