Category: Learning

  • Roll the stone

    So it seems of-late at work I’m playing an interesting role. I’ve set a goal of changing culture related to learning. Taking it from an event to a basic activity. Transitioning from asking permission to learn to one of learning to ask more questions. This seems to be working slowly. Not on the ground yet,…

  • Farsighted

    Just finishing up Steven Johnson’s Farsighted and though it is a book about decision making, it makes a great point about the role and power of storytelling. Johnson talks about stories breeding ways that humans have developed to run simulations of a multi variate world. While they don’t always provide direct, stories (with novels given…

  • Mandela and Obama, Stories have three legs

    It’s been quite a while since I posted last and I’ve been sitting and stewing over a whole raft of ideas after listening to a number of books and podcasts. Two books crystalized some of what I was thinking about last time in the “remixing of ideas” post. The first is “Becoming” by Michelle Obama.…

  • The value of Edutainment

    What the heck? I’m posting more than once a year to this blog? Yeah I know… whacky eh? Well after leaving the ivory tower, and spending time in the snake oil sales environment of private industry (at least for what I was doing), I’m back developing content, delivering that content and reflecting. The biggest difference…

  • Twitter or Novelty and Engagement (nee encouraging communication)?

    The Chronicle, Fast Company and many others have picked up on this article – The effect of Twitter on college student engagement and grades (Junco R., Heiberger G., Loken E. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2010.00387.x). What struck me wasn’t how many other outlets ignored the fact that it wasn’t actually “Twitter” perse, but rather engagement and novelty that…