Two things (well three) that are sticking in my craw

This weekend, like many in the past and many yet to come when the temperature changes has got me miffed. Not at the weather, but at the idiots that “forecast” the weather. Well, that isn’t quite true, it’s at the idiots that tell us about it on the news and on TV. It’s been -20 some degrees Celsius for the last few days here in Edmonton. It’s cold, there is snow everywhere, and it would be nice if it was in the -10s but, c’est la vie. But this weekend there was supposed to be a warming trend with the temperatures going above freezing. I say was, because a forecast is worth about the same as a domestic vehicle that has left the lot around here. The weather ditz at the center of my rage was all bubbling that it was going to be three degrees and “all that nasty snow was going to melt”. WTF! If there is no snow, it’s not Christmasy (and the charities suffer) and she whines (did last year), there is snow and she doesn’t want it. Like really, I wish we could ship all these “forcasters” off to Hawaii or some place where the weather changes very little.

Second on the hit parade – the way that Alberta’s “democracy” is directly electing a Premier this weekend. Granted it’s got one up on the rest of the votes in this country by allowing 16 year olds to vote. But they have to pay $5. In fact, anyone that can get Alberta ID can vote, and in the case of the 16 year old, can vote for the Premier even if they are not old enough to vote for the mayor of their own town! I would have voted, but that would have meant that I would have to sign my name under the PC banner just to elect the lesser of three evils (as is usually the case with elections). I would think that in a situation such as this, that there should be a general election, even though I understand why there isn’t. Canadians elect a party to govern, not a person, and it’s been the case in Alberta and through the Liberal years federally, that the party essentially was the person in the form of King Klein or JC.

Last, idiot tech store lackies that don’t know what firewire is! My god, are there really that few of us people out there that edit video on their computers? As it happened, the firewire enclosure that I thought I got turned out to be USB2 – I thought I had checked it, but in investigating a rattle in the enclosure, I guess that slipped.






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