The archive of my tweets this week follow.
- @fallapart They probably don’t brush either – you don’t want to kill bacteria… Or is that part of Animalia ok to treat unethically in reply to fallapart #
- @schwier At the registration desk? She rocks – tell her Raj from Canada says hi. in reply to schwier #
- @schwier I’m assuming it was edmedia’s tracy, not the hotel’s in reply to schwier #
- Having English breakfast (less eggs) for supper. #
- @schwier From what I remember, chocolate (Sees) and BBQ are her favs. Making sure Gary knows is also good. They certainly put in their time in reply to schwier #
- @schwier If you have time, try to score some Sees chocolate for her, there should be stands at most gates on the coast in reply to schwier #
- @schwier Doh! You are in Vancouver – I don’t think you’ll find any Sees there – I thought you’d be in LAX in reply to schwier #
- @schwier No problem – I’ll be watching the tweets, wishing I was in Hawaii, but I’d spend all the time on the beach w/ baby in reply to schwier #
- @dougsymington Ain’t that the truth – getting killed for your vote vs can’t be bothered to care in reply to dougsymington #
- @anitsirk They refrigerate those rooms eh? I’ve been there twice and both times the rooms – especially sea side are freezing – and I’m CDN in reply to anitsirk #
- Random urban wildlife observation – Robin’s can stand on one leg… #
- @anitsirk Things you never thought you’d need right? in reply to anitsirk #
- @dougsymington I like the Aussie system – attach fines to your driver’s license in reply to dougsymington #
- @dougsymington Nice idea, but that could be understood as a “payment for voting”, fines are like skipping on jury duty in reply to dougsymington #
- @dlnorman @dougsymington Wait don’t we see this elsewhere?? Bottom line is most don’t respect what they don’t earn in reply to dlnorman #
- Now that it’s just Kate, we’ll be able to suffer through the battle of the crazy octamoms on TLC – The Lurid/Laundry Channel #
- 5min01sec/km for 10.23km (had to pause for a light) with lots of other runners out. Almost to sub 5s! #yegruns #
- @thekyleguy Good luck – remember authentic, engaging and team work in reply to thekyleguy #
- @thekyleguy No problem in reply to thekyleguy #
- – This is why Google needs to take Twitter more seriously – access to personal data will be the key to the next gen ‘net #
- I am a Digital Collaborator – #
- – FOMS – the reason to get IE 8 – NOT! #
- Time for an between campus lunch meeting at Mucho Burrito! #
- Time for a between campus lunch meeting at Mucho Burrito! #
- it’s not a Goldwing, or a rocket – it’s a Crotchwing #
- Jordy Smith Rodeo Flip… if you can’t be in Hawaii, you might as well watch surfing and wish you were there… #
- @Mary_Mananda good job on the run in reply to Mary_Mananda #
- <sing songy>Oh, I’m heading home, where the little bugs roam (well roll), and the stuffies and blankies all play! </sing songy> #
- @numindan They are, they are… in reply to numindan #
- @numindan Jobs are the manifestation of your career – the building blocks. in reply to numindan #
- @rdelorenzo You are lucky they even came by – sometimes they just drive the route and put up stickers. in reply to rdelorenzo #
- @rdelorenzo Yeah, I had that issue with Rogers as well. in reply to rdelorenzo #
- @Mary_Mananda Running room lists a few. I know there is one on Canada Day, then the Turkey Trot is always fun in the fall in reply to Mary_Mananda #
- @ProfBravus David! I’m ashamed of you… What kinda… Wait you went to sessions ๐ I miss that trip in reply to ProfBravus #
- @ProfBravus Be sure to catch more waves than we did the last time if you go surfing! in reply to ProfBravus #
- 4min53sec/km for 10.23 km! Take that 5min mark! It’s a great looking start to the day ๐ #yegruns #
- Ah… installing a plugin the “old fashioned way” #
- @tweeteev will you support Facebook updates as well (ala socialscope?) #
- @msjweir Hi from Edmonton – T rocks for getting higher quality ideas from a PLN vs swimming through feeds in reply to msjweir #
- @dannymaas There is a prof working on a wiki text here, does that count? in reply to dannymaas #
- @dannymass check this #
- @trubkir Mark your run times and related tweets with #yegruns, there are currently a small number of us using it but always looking for more in reply to trubkir #
- @pegraelian Mark your run times & related tweets with #yegruns, there are a small number of us using it but always looking for more in reply to pegraelian #
- @dannymaas You should have it – it went out on a separate tweet. in reply to dannymaas #
- .@nora3000 you might want to look at this free file corrupter as well – #
- should have sent this to @sparkcbc as well – #
- Going for a walk outside before spending the afternoon doing mixdowns… With the nice weather at least I can pretend I’m at #edmedia #
- @cogdog Will do ๐ I’m famous! (Infamous?) The tweets slowed for a bit and I thought it was over – was showing students how hip ed media is in reply to cogdog #
- Where did my Facebook’s share button’s sidekick go?? #
- listening to “from here to maternity” – ideas podcast – wondering which are more important to pass… genes or memes – new nature/nurture? #
- @dannymaas did you look at the wiki? #
- @2020Nexus There are likely analogues, but straight over no – unless someone cooks up WINE – even java apps are tweaked to hardware in reply to 2020Nexus #
- Back to the popsicle-less popsicle stand I go. Hopefully I will remedy this situation soon. #
- @ProfBravus you don’t look guilty at all. #
- @2020Nexus I’m assuming you mean Windows Mobile right? – Phone OSs are customized to a large degree to the handset they run. in reply to 2020Nexus #
- Hmm… MS says that the “cheap” upgrades to Win7 will be equal to the sales of Vista… so that should be what… 3 copies (non OEM)? #
- @apotheos The Mole People… they want to make sure that the buildings downtown don’t get too high. in reply to apotheos #
- thanks to @calilewis for the heads up on this – – recharge your phone without wires. #
- RT @jianghomeshi: Some of best coverage re Iran: The Daily Show. Nuance & perspective. Props to @ASLANmedia for appearance last nite #
- @2020Nexus No problem – sorry the first tweet was a little more geeky than it needed to be. in reply to 2020Nexus #
- rt @utfoxes: David Merrill @ #edmedia. Most courses are “Spray, pray, and remember what I say.” but faculty can be made to change if it pays #
- Did I jinx my BBQ by praising the morning? #
- Did I jinx my BBQ by praising the morning? Yes, it seems I have… #
- @mrch0mp3rs Sex and scandal are unfortunately bigger draws than injustice. in reply to mrch0mp3rs #
- I wonder what the take on the #iranelection is in the rest of the Middle East… #
- @UtopianFuture Dude, that is not at all what I said, please delete that tweet. Thanks. in reply to UtopianFuture #
- RT @michelledodd @mrskutcher @aplusk plea to the public 2 refuse 2 consume media that does not respect anonymity of Michaels children #
- @dlnorman The celebrity has become our neighbor and extended fam now that we can’t be bothered to know those who really live around us, sad in reply to dlnorman #
- @kdimini Alta ed website? in reply to kdimini #
- I wonder if it is fitting that I have “Human Nature” stuck in my head right now – RIP MJ #
- @thekyleguy Positive I hope? in reply to thekyleguy #
- @UtopianFuture That is what I thought-just noticed it was via a rt. They do seem very quiet. in reply to UtopianFuture #
- RT @weirdralph: The brain’s amazing. It starts working as soon as you get up in the morning, and doesn’t stop until you reach the office. #
- @karlkovacs Amazing isn’t it? All those who say he wasn’t relevant certainly are not represented on twitter in reply to karlkovacs #
- @karlkovacs @nsane8 @lacouvee that was started by the same website that “scooped” #mj s news – done to drive traffic – I hope karma strikes in reply to karlkovacs #
- @verkoren Is there “really” that much difference sometime? Child art is often denigrated if only because “kids don’t know art”. in reply to verkoren #
- RT @acarvin: Former Revolutionary Guard Member: ‘Military Coup’ Underway In Iran. Listen to the interview: #
- Listening to Ely Glassner on CBC this morning reviewing Transformers 2 -didn’t know how he knew some of the robot name, ~30yo guy yeah right #
- Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work I go – to hmm and ha and work to the bone, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho! #
- As big as he was, when Elvis passed, he only left the building, MJ has now left the planet (hat tip to MIB) #
- @karlkovacs Interesting, but I don’t think @PerezHilton cares about doing the right thing by standy by what he said #unfollowperezhilton in reply to karlkovacs #
- @jclarey Both, but more art with a light heart in reply to jclarey #
- RT @mkwong268: We need to play more video games! # - @karlkovacs Same here. in reply to karlkovacs #
- RT @Silvanoshei: Chase a Total Eclipse in an Airplane, Hope Your Seat Is on the Right Side #eclipse #travel #
- – Fox says US 1st Amendment gives it permission to lie. #
- Someone broke the ‘net in the office… #
- @robwall get a Canon Rebel or D40/50 if that feels small in reply to robwall #
- @apotheos After the first three, it really doesn’t matter eh? But even then, everyone finds out right away even if there is a trade in reply to apotheos #
- @mcleod I forgot the name of it, but there is a tool that will let you download you tweets, maybe google that in reply to mcleod #
- Watching a Passionate Eye documentary on MJ – Wacko Jacko was an invented persona to control the media, interesting stuff #
- @mcleod No prob – I thought it was something like that, I blame Friday night brain shut down in reply to mcleod #
- @mebner I miss poi and the pork in reply to mebner #
- Working on Bug’s 4 Month pictures, listening to MJ, just survived a triple diaper and managed to get it done in two! #
- @alfredtwo As long as it is cultivating a back channel in reply to alfredtwo #
- With best wishes to family in Chicago, video and pictures are now up – babies always make you feel better – #
- Lovin’ the accuracy of Alberta weather forecasts, but at least we are finally getting “rain” now if it would only stay for a while. #
- @miketobias If they only surf and turf it might be time for a linux switch – just set the shortcuts on the desktop for apps and drives in reply to miketobias #
- @miketobias I was going to do the same with my inlaws, but they hardly use their computer any more. If they start using it more, it’s linux in reply to miketobias #
- CBC Newsworld needs to drop “Antiques Roadshow” and the assisted bathing/grey power ads if they want to appeal to the under 60s #
- Anyone notice that Menactra and 1st Response Prego tests both “bait and switch” – we can’t do X, but now there is a way to deal what’s left #
- Bug is going to the pool for the first time today… Should be interesting #
- Bug’s first swim was a great success! #
- #yeg Note to EPS – how about enforcing speed limits on a regular basis? – Eastbound over the Quennel seems to be a speedway on the weekend! #
- Listening to Morphine on “Blood is on the dancefloor” – erie if that song was his cry for help #mj #
- Why, in the US, if you kill someone, you might get 15 days, but if you “harm a $$”, you’ll be locked up forever? #
- Starting summer holidays with gray skies must be areal kick in the teeth to kids. Starting an interrupted week the same way isn’t any better #
- rt @donttrythis Canada’s Rogers Wireless plans to charge 15ยข for INCOMING txt. Cheaper to call dude in INDIA: pay HIM to READ your txt 2 u #
- @donttrythis at TED on Obsessions – well worth the time on a Monday morning #
- – MJ’s death seems to be showing the holes in the armor of mighty Google and the power of Twitter – would Bing do better? #
- rt @thekyleguy at first I thought this sushi looked tasty #
- Well time to head home, play with baby and then make babies out of the 12s tonight #
- RT @redstarvip: Those who accomplish great things pay attention to little ones – Malian Proverb #quotes #proverbs #
- #petpeeves #yeg kids who drive with headphones on and cops who don’t care… I seem to be ragging on the police quite a bit these days #
- I’m now the “support staff at large” support staff rep on the General Faculties Council Academic Program Committee #
- Bug really is a bug! She’s inching toward her toys on her tummy! #
- 3-0 loss to the flip’n ‘Kings #
- 7.69L/100km – hypermiler! #
- @grempel ATB is that way in general, regardless of their commercials in reply to grempel #
- I wonder why a fire in TO makes national news… #
- @dougsymington True, how silly of me in reply to dougsymington #
- Twitter should really start to put in some filters – my “followers” list seems to have more blocks than follows, I don’t want to see blocks! #
- @ShutterBugGeek your government wants to make sure that you are you when you go back… it’s not the CDN Gov’t that is wanting it. in reply to ShutterBugGeek #
- @karlkovacs he makes a good point, but the downside is that people have to be really motivated to get the blog to follow up with the follows in reply to karlkovacs #
- @netfirms are you guys having server issues? #
- RT @davecournoyer: Dear #yegcc, the City Centre Airport is Not My Airport. Please close it! #ecca #yeg #
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