Tag: Urban Wildlife

  • Pic of the Week – Baby Bunny

    Baby Bunny Originally uploaded by idarknight. This little guy is hiding out under my front step – just larger than my hand. There are a fair number of raptors in the area and one that I know is big enough to cart this little guy off for a lunch. I’ve got pictures of the smaller…

  • Pic of the week – Lunch time

    Lunch time Originally uploaded by idarknight. this little guy came right beside me while I was having lunch yesterday. He got spooked after I took the picture, but seeing as he was as big as the phone, it makes sense. This seems to be the week for baby critters on campus – now I only…

  • Chickadee Bomber

    Ok, this was just totally odd. I was walking back to the office and in front of me falls from a tree this baby Chickadee! I tried to get it off the sidewalk using some paper so it wouldn’t imprint on or smell like me so that at least it would not get stepped on.…