Tag: Urban Wildlife
Picture of the Week – Hidden Friends II
Hidden Friends II Originally uploaded by idarknight Well, one week at the new job is almost over and it seems that there are quite a few people there from my last institution. The place seems to be crawling with hidden friends. Nothing overly special about this shot, other than the ISO grain helping to hide…
Picture of the Week – Hidden Friends III
Hidden Friends III Originally uploaded by idarknight Well this morning, I was shooting CeLC 2010 as I was all week and while I was coming back from escorting workshop attendees across campus, I was pondering some shots on campus that I might want to shoot on the upcoming photowalk. But then it hit me… I’ve…
Picture of the Week – Original Tweep
Original Tweep Originally uploaded by idarknight Well, just like this little birdie, I’m sitting tight, sending out the odd tweet and looking to see what happens. Hopefully things will take off, but we’ll see. One thing I certainly notice with my 70-200 is that when I’m shooting critters, I’m almost always at 200mm. Only when…
Picture of the week – Takeoff
Takeoff Originally uploaded by idarknight Well, I hope I don’t jinx myself, but this week, things seem to be taking off for me. I don’t know where to, but we’ll have to see… just like you can never really tell where these birds are going to land. This is the first time I really shot…
Picture of the Week – Visiting the geese
Visiting the geese Originally uploaded by idarknight Well this week has been one for the books. But hopefully as Spring brings change and life will start over bigger and better than before. I guess I’m in my own Winter right now, but there has to be a Spring soon.