Tag: (Ubiquitous) Computing
Live Anywhere and Vista Extreme?
According to what was said on the Engadget coverage, MS is thinking of Vista as the most game friendly operating system in history. To me this sounds like more of the same, games are the major movers of PC hardware and they have been for a long time. I don’t see too many companies upgrading…
Intel’s Kinderlappy
According to MIT’s Technology Review, it looks like Intel is coming out with a $400 laptop aimed at the third world as well. Named “Eduwise”, these machines are aimed at closing the digital divide. Between these laptops, phones and UMPCs, ubiquitous computing is becoming ever more the reality.
Ubgergadet Web
There is a story out there today talking about how, at least in Japan and the UK, that older people are the biggest users of the mobile web (post WAP). This is interesting in a way, but I would want to see what the numbers are for the younger generations and if this includes Blackberry…
Google Calendar
Google is one step closer to getting an online Office suite – Google Calendar is here.
Back in Bluetooth, sync rising?
Well, with the new 10.4.6 update, it seems that the phone that I originally had when I moved to Rogers is now supported (the Nokia 6820 – but that phone isn’t supported by Salling Clicker so I’ve still got the better device), but more importantly, I can now (again) send files from my phone to…