Tag: Ubergadget
Students to txt in answers in NZ
A trial of an app called Activexpression is going to start in New Zealand. The application allows cell phones to be used as a student response system. While the website doesn’t show the system that is suggested in the article, I’m sure there are many higher ed institutions who would like to implement these systems…
Google on Mobile
I found this post through the RSS pipes this morning – Google is thinking about the cell phone as the connection between the individual and all the information “out there”. The ubergadget is a sensor that knows where it is and can record the sights and sounds of a given location. This is no more…
One month with the Bold
Well, one month ago, I got the newest ‘berry and after making sure that UPS would keep it at the depot so I could pick it up in the morning before I came into work, I posted a quick “first impression”. Now one month later it seems right to update the impression into a review…
A look at Google’s Android Powered G1
TR has a look at the G1, Google’s first phone – and legitimately we can call it Google’s first – as the article mentions, as Apple and MS have done before, Google has set the specs as opposed to the network provider. I’m curious to find out if Nokia and Motorolla really bend over to…
RIM bring Blackberry tools to the Mac
I found this hunting for an update on the Missing Sync app that I use to keep my contacts up to date between my phone and main (nee work) computer. RIM is planning to bring native Mac tools to support the Blackberry in the first half of the new year. This is not official, but…