Tag: Ubergadget

  • Opera Mini beta 4

    Well, it seems that my blackberry is on again after being upgraded via software and given a couple of hard reboots. With the new OS installed, I decided to give Opera a try again and sure enough it works now and I must say, it is very impressive. Safari on the iPhone has it beat,…

  • Crackberry fixes

    I’m not that pleased that RIM knows about the trackball issue with the black Pearls, but I seem to have come across a method of fixing the trackball. It’s not a software update as the tech group at Rogers suggested, it’s a mechanical fix and it’s pretty simple. Take the battery out and then while…

  • Canadian Wireless Booming

    According to a report, Canadians are certainly getting hungry for mobile data and the industry is supposed to boom 30% (increase over $3B) in the next three years. With any luck this will get Canada on track with the rest of the West: Based on IDC Canada’s research, the market is experiencing triple-digit year-over-year growth…

  • iPhone has been set free!

    Well it looks like all the Jailbreak Apps are being noticed in Cupertino – Apple will now allow (GN) 3rd party developers onto the iPhone. Well at least in the new year (February).

  • iPhone stumbling block

    Well it seems that iPhone is problematic in Canada for two reasons. First, another company has the copyright on the name and second, there is no deal with Rogers yet. Apple doesn’t even have the domain. It seems that everyone who bet on “iname” is laughing now, but it begs the question of reviewing the…