Tag: Social Networking

  • Facebook and the stemming of friendly spam PtII

    As an add on to last night, the other thing that is very obvious is that people have figured out a way to get a penny out of some of what used to be spam. Take a look at how many of those surveys are now apps that have ads and collect personal info (what…

  • Facebook and the stemming of friendly spam

    It struck me this afternoon while I was shoveling, that I haven’t got nearly as much “friendly spam” as I used to about a year ago. I think it came to mind as I got a classic forward from a friend that got filtered and I happened to check that before I got working. Then,…

  • Another Social Search

    There is another social search engine on the horizon – Delver is accepting requests for invitations now.

  • Personal and Professional Spaces

    I was looking to see if there was anyone else out there in the blogosphere saying what I have commented on in the past about mixing school and online social spaces and I stumbled onto Connecting in a Connected World. Allison has a post there that says the same thing as well as links and…

  • Getting around the roadblocks – rebelling kids

    One of the worst kept secrets in schools is that kids get around the firewalls, filters and everything else the network admins and parents do to stop them from getting at sites that they are not supposed to. But how do they do that? Well they use circumventors sites like this one – Peacefire. Of…