Tag: Social Networking
‘net brains are for babies
The subject line is a play on a meme that is going around my neck of the woods these days, it seems to mean all manner of things, all depending on who you you ask. This meme has been joined by another overnight. No, not a baby… but the idea that the ‘net is infantilizing…
CDC and Social Media
You know Social Media (SNS, txt et al) is changing the way the world works when the CDC now has a specialized resource. It makes sense since surgeons are twittering from the OR or are getting instructions via SMS.
2009 Predictions
Whoa… 2008 saw me put up almost a thousand posts, not to shabby. But I think that would have been higher if I wasn’t able to tweet at least a few of the things that would have otherwise been given a one liner post. And as I see the calendar is almost ready to show…
The coolest tools are invisible – are IDers pushing the wrong edge?
One of the things that I had a chance to do while I was recovering over the first couple weeks after surgery was to hunt down books on Amazon. One of them was Clay Shirky’s book “Here Comes Everybody“. I don’t remember how I came across this, but I remembered that it hit me as…
Business model for Twitter?
This is not the official model by any stretch of the imagination, but over the weekend I was thinking about some of the ways that one might define a social networking site, thinking that the key part of any SNS is that the user gets to be themselves and “freely” gives of themselves as they…