Tag: Rant
I’m wondering if this is an admission by Microsoft that it is not an Internet company, and that by sucking up Yahoo (GN) that it might be able to get close. It might work – thinking that this way the new company would have some fingers in each pie that Google has. But it’s all…
Web Based Authentication – Ask the questions
Last week, I posted to one of the geekier support groups on campus about the possibility of setting up a web based authentication to allow the iPod Touch, PSP, Nintendo DS and other devices that can’t use the current method of authentication. I was expecting a rocky ride as the geeks there are very alpha…
Is this how we get people to love learning?
It’s back to school for most people this week and between all the stories of what has been done to limit the students ability to really be themselves. In some schools, there are dress codes that limit or eliminate hoodies, backbacks and cargo pants – because of security – cell phones – god only knows…
The clue that Edmonton Airport Authority needs
Waiting in the upstairs lounge, tapping out this post, one thing comes to mind. That if Edmonton (ERAA) wants the airport to really grow, they should make it more attractive for people to wait for their flights or the arrival of their friends or family. That means having more than just Booster Juice, Tim Hortons…