Tag: Politics
Alberta Ed XX
Well, at least the Alberta government is thinking about changing the way that students are taught. Taking into consideration that there is more time spent on phones than on phonics for the average student (depending on who you talk to and where). Dave Hancock: Alberta’s education system needs to tap into what kids are actually…
What I learned from Twitter this week
Over the last week, EdMedia was taking place in Hawaii and Twitter was able to deliver some of the key ideas, enabling those who couldn’t be there to vicariously participate. One of my tweets wound up on top of the screen during one of the keynotes, quickly garnering some tweetbacks from the conference – it…
Obama and his fruit
Well it seems that Obama will be able to keep his Blackberry, and now is wondering where the Macs are in the US government. It seems to me that in his new-found uber-celebrity, Obama, by merely indicating his preferences in an unsolicited fashion, preference for just about anything is the best advertising that a company…
Welcome to Alberta – the newest police state – Dilute and Polute at will!
Ok, maybe this is a bit harsh – but we are in the one party state (good enough for China, good enough for Alberta right?), but when the government believes that it should censor films that are funded through it’s dollars “just in case they are not in the government’s best interest”, things are certainly…