Tag: Podcasting
Value Added Podcasting
One of the departments here in the Faculty just recently tried podcasting for the first time in a second year course as a dry run for a more intensive pilot coming in the fall and found that what the students like the most about the podcasts were the value added features – chapter marks, screened…
Let’s go to the iTunes U Store
I wonder if they will sell hoodies here (iTunes MIT Bio). This should be a good way to get some best practices established for podcasting and a way to gain support for the process if some bean counter out there needs to see if there is someone else doing it (not wanting to take the…
If you are on Windows (I could pretend to feel your pain ;)) and are looking for a one stop pod/screencast solution, take a look at Snapcast.
Themed podcasts – Teaching to those trapped in Traffic
This weekend, my wife’s car was vandalized while in the parkade underneath our condo, so I’ve been dropping her off to her car pool in the morning and then suffering the commute back to campus (living close to campus, I walk in), I was listening to the radio – across various stations and most of…