Tag: Personal Electronics
iPhone is now free to everyone – Internationally on any GSM system
Of course, this is a hack by these folks and it means that you’ve technically been a bad boy or girl by hacking the phone, but it also means that you will be able to use the basic phone features on any network anywhere… forget about Orange, O2 and T-Mobile being the only international carriers…
iPhone International?
Well, it seems that engadget has found that there are clues to the future of the iPhone in the firmware. It looks like there are some plans for the UK, but at least in this firmware version, nothing for Canada (though if you bring a US iPhone here, it will work via Rogers/Fido). This is…
Opera Mini 4 beta
If you are into the mobile internet thing, then the latest version of Opera Mini might be worth taking a peek at. It’s making me wonder – where is Firefox Mini? It seems that my Pearl can’t accept the agreement so I can’t play with it yet (other than via simulation).
BB knocks DVD-HD Blu
Well it seems that Blockbuster (perhaps in a move to stay relevant) is going to only have Blu-Ray as it’s HD format. If BB still has teeth, it will force the HD DVDs studios to the Blu Ray format. Put this together with the BluRay Station 3… sorry PS3 price drops that are coming, you might…
iPhone and it’s Apps
Well if you watch the Keynote, it seems that Apple has gone full bore into Web2.0 by using Safari as the means of “installing” apps to the phone – seems very intuitive – to the point that the .com site works like a desktop – try the search – . Hopefully in a year or…