Tag: Observations
From the gaming trenches
This weekend I’ve had a chance to spend some time with a young cousin of mine who has just recently gotten into the “gaming thing”. As a new gamer she is very serious about what she does and feels that it is very important to get through the stories. Is this childish enthusiasm? Too much…
Rock’n Hot Coffee
When GTASA first came out, I had a feeling that it was going to rock the world in terms of game play and what it would do to those who fear games that extoll violence. I also knew that if I could, I would make sure that if I had any say in it, my…
And one time, at art camp…
I’ve been helping out with an art camp here on campus, it’s for art teachers in the field to help them try new things and get university credit at the same time. This year they worked with clay, prints and video. The later is where I was helping out. The instructor for the video section,…
Techs, Admins and the like should also know about learning
In the shower – where it seems that many people get great ideas – it came to me that today, in a time where there is little or no PD for teachers to get technology integrated into the classroom in meaningful ways, that maybe there is another hope. While I was away at Amtec, I…