Tag: mLearning

  • Have PDAs in schools missed the boat?

    I remember, as many of us do, when laptops were too heavy to truck around all of the time and phones were amazing when they had a 100 slot phone book. It was in this environment that PDAs seemed to emerge. They could do the basic note taking that many people wanted laptops for and…

  • The Ubergadget is not passive – or at least it doesn’t seem to want to be

    Used in that manner by the masses. C|Net has a story about a study that says that 75% of cell phone users are not interested in music or TV on their phones. While this may be a shock to the companies (as C|Net notes as well) that are trying to sell us all really hard…

  • Projector commeth to Ubergadget

    Back in November I posted about a cell phone that was being developed to include a projector – well it’s here now. If this starts to take off then there will be even less of an excuse for new teachers not to use digital content in their classrooms, because the issue of not being able…

  • Ubiquitous Computing Grudge Match – Round 1 – Ubergadget vs Kinderlappy

    Imagine, as in the “old days” of the Internet when the “Grudge Match” (which my brother put in a fair share of very witty contributions – but they didn’t make the book) was like Strongbad of last year – Doh! It seems that the email for this week has this very fight as well!. Ok,…

  • FLL

    Ok, so I’ve caved a little on one of the things that I’ve said about phones in the past – that the camera is a gimic… while I still think it is… I know (at least according to Internet folklore) why it was developed – to let people take quick notes by just capturing an…