Tag: mLearning
Augmented Reality – the Bee’s Knees
Way back when Halo2 was coming out, there was a real buzz about augmented reality gaming. I Love Bees (ILB) was a part of the viral marketing behind the game and it was also part of the whole flashmob thing that was going on back then as well. Fast forward a few years and games…
Information routers vs reserviors
A while ago, I was thinking in a brain dump about how the ability to effectively retrieve, manage, critically assess and then apply information is what medical learning – and for my two cents, any learning period – should be all about. Part of what brought this conversation on was the U of A Med…
Try this again – ultra mobile and ELearning 2
Ok the first time that I tried to post with the ubergadet, it didn’t work because of a time out and I didn’t copy it out. I’m finding that being ultra mobile at a conference is the way to go as now I don’t have to worry about power for a laptop. Granted this is…
Cone of learning and mlearning
This is something that I was thinking about with all the talk of twitter and the like as well as mLearning last week. The Cone of Learning (Edgar Dale) (fancier) suggest that interaction is something that is critical to learning. Linked with mLearning, being able to be in the field doing and then getting a…