Tag: Millenials
Kids/Parents Pt 2
In researching a reply for some information about games and learning for a colleague, I came across this 2000 paper by Kirk Squire at MIT. I had almost the exact same experience when I was in school, having played Pirates! I had some insight into what was happening in the area at the time.
Kids… or maybe parents these days.
The Beeb put this article out this morning that points out what many people already know… The more restrictive the game rating, the better it sells, even to those it’s not supposed to sell to (I just checked Fark and noticed that ArsTechnica also has a writeup on this – but I like the Fark…
Games are just another tool
elearnspace posted a link to an article by David Secko who reminds us that games are really just another tool for getting information across. Much of what people say about games it aimed at the commercial games that are played by the “youth” of today. I am not so naive to think that educational games…
Catching up to Kindergarten
Technology Review posted an article today that talks about how young student are getting online. These kids are as young as three years old! If this is not a wake up call to many of those teacher training institutions who are still talking a slow road to technology integration into their curriculum, this is a…