Tag: K-12

  • Couple interesting games

    Found these talking to my younger relatives this weekend – Pivot and Whizzball.

  • Have PDAs in schools missed the boat?

    I remember, as many of us do, when laptops were too heavy to truck around all of the time and phones were amazing when they had a 100 slot phone book. It was in this environment that PDAs seemed to emerge. They could do the basic note taking that many people wanted laptops for and…

  • The rest of the day Tuesday

    The first session was Ranting and Raving to Applauding and Praising: Chronicles of a Technophobe (Rice, Johnson, Ezell, Johnson and Houston) that talked about transitioning from traditional instruction to online instruction. It was good to hear that many of the things that we are doing at the U of A when we are working with…

  • FLL – Redux

    Yesterday was a great day to see that there is hope in the world for kids who are excited about science and technology. The 3rd Annual Alberta RLL competition was a great success (I’m saying it not the official people – though I’m sure they would agree). The Stonecutters won overall, with the St. Mary’s…

  • FLL

    Ok, so I’ve caved a little on one of the things that I’ve said about phones in the past – that the camera is a gimic… while I still think it is… I know (at least according to Internet folklore) why it was developed – to let people take quick notes by just capturing an…