Tag: Google
Throwing around Bricks… in the dark… are there any glass houses?
Ok, hang on ’cause this is going to be a dozy of a walk through my brain on mLearning, small chunk content and reading all churned up through what was the most annoying day of the year that came on me yesterday. As I started the day, I was getting ready to update my Bold…
Google on Mobile
I found this post through the RSS pipes this morning – Google is thinking about the cell phone as the connection between the individual and all the information “out there”. The ubergadget is a sensor that knows where it is and can record the sights and sounds of a given location. This is no more…
Chromium and Plugins
Well it seems that Chromium reports itself as a Windows browser, so that lets you get the Windows files for the plugins. Good news? Almost. It seems that while the plugins install (I tried Flash and Authorware), they do not work. Now I can’t tell if the “not working” has more to do with the…
Playing with Crossover Chromium
I spotted this over the weekend, but as I was building a flagstone patio, I wasn’t really close to, or in the mood for dealing with a computer. But this morning, I hit the download link and took a look. The first impression is positive – through not for being able to run Chrome on…
A look at Google’s Android Powered G1
TR has a look at the G1, Google’s first phone – and legitimately we can call it Google’s first – as the article mentions, as Apple and MS have done before, Google has set the specs as opposed to the network provider. I’m curious to find out if Nokia and Motorolla really bend over to…