Tag: Google
Google Latitude… Big Brother or Bother?
There is a slight chance that some of you might have missed the news over the last 24h from Google – they are now tracking you! Using the new version of their mobile map client, Google has given users (and itself) the ability to track, using GPS or manual location entry, one’s location via its…
Now Google makes us smrter
Way back in May 2007, I posted about a story that I had found that Google was making us dumber (Google Search, The Atlantic). But as with everything in science, if there is one opinion, there are more out there just waiting to jump up. So when I saw this story, I thought… this is…
Gmail allows for SMS
This is really going to be helpful for many – being able to SMS from the web, independant of carriers. I just wish the process was a little more intuitive – and was rolled out a bit faster to everyone (it is only open to the US right now.