Tag: Google
Google Print – Wikipedia Print?
I know I’m late to the party blogging this – had meetings and other things happening, but Google Print is online, and you have to login with your Google ID to get more info. You can also work around the current limit of pages that you are allowed to view (thanks Kim) by selecting “more…
Windows Live?
It looks like MS is trying again to make a portal – and this time it is even bowing to Google (Google News is one of the default news locations in the sidebar). Essentially Windows Live looks like a portal that is based on RSS much like the personalized Google. Google however already works with…
Google can’t find it
elearnspace pointed this one out to me today. Google’s Blog search has finally come online (previously it seemed to be only on the Blogger pages). elearnspace, in their post mentioned that Technorati wasn’t cutting it for them to search blogs. But I’m thinking that for me, Technorati, and to some extent, Icerocket are doing a…
Gmail Notifier – OSX
It’s here – a gmail notifier for the Mac inclined.
Blogger for Word
Check this out – Blogger for Word – something that for the Windows people out there could be a huge thing. Hopefully a Mac version will be out soon. Thanks to Weblogg-ed.