Tag: Google
Gmail and Gcal Integration
I noticed this the other night when I was sending stuff via GMail – that I use for my all my forwarded account (alumni et al). You can now, just like in Entourage and Outlook, add Calendar information when sending email. That is certainly very cool. Looking at the documentation – it seems that gCal…
Google Mars
Well, here it is – Google Mars.
Google and Writely
Google has gone out and bought Writely, and online word processor. With this and the news of GDrive floating around, it seems that the idea that Google is going to do something “office like” isn’t so hair brained after all. But then again, it may just be something to add functionality to Blogger and Gmail.…
Google Pages
Thanks to Rob, I’ve found Google Pages. Now there is little excuse for people not being able to create web pages easily – if they want a blog – they have Blogger… if they want the regular pages… there are GooglePages. You can see mine here – clicky. This news was also burried in my…
Dell/Google – Do no Evil??
It seems that Google does not consider Dell evil (well we Apple types like to because it’s fun in a geeky way) – Google software is going to be installed in Dell machines. This is great news for Google, essentially legitimizing what it’s done, but many also see it as a threat to M$. I…