Tag: Google

  • gCal/iCal

    Well it seems that things are working well between my two calendars fairly well – the issues that I was having may have been related more to the speed at which the updates flow through the system, but in a pinch – like now when I’m in a conference presentation I have access to my…

  • iCal and gCal a bit closer

    I notice in my logs that every now and again people come to my site looking for a way to get these two systems to sync. Google can export it’s calendars to iCal, but things don’t seem to be as smooth going the other way. If you use .mac you can put your calendars online,…

  • Picasa on Linux

    I’ve posted this using Picasa on Linux. It’s a bit pokey on this PIII 450 that I’ve got edubuntu running on, but with patience, it is still useable.

  • Google Notebook

    Google Notebook is here. There are stand alone versions as well as FireFox and IE plugins.

  • Google Strangeness

    I know I should be poking fun at this poor guy (knowing how hard it is to propose, especially for a guy/girl in India – stereotyping here massively) , but after David posted on Links.. how Google comes up with some strange connections, I found this in my logs: