Tag: Google

  • Google Notifier 1.9.90

    Google finally got the bugs out of their unified notifier for the Mac. 1.9.90 works like a proverbial charm. Again, it’s getting hard to justify .mac, but the only thing that is keeping me there is syncing. If in the near future, I find myself in a new position, I might just drop .mac as…

  • Writely moving to Google logins

    I got this message today from Writely: Dear myname-oryours, In a few days, we will update your Writely account to use your user@gmail.com Google Account registration settings. This means you’ll need to use your Google Account password when signing in, not your Writely password (if they’re different). If you’ve forgotten your Google Account password, just…

  • Finally, my own domain… again

    Well, this one has email and full on php and all the rest. boora.org is live and I’m trying out the “Google Apps for My Domain” as well as the Joomla Open Source Content Management System. I’m still testing that out so it’s going to be a while before that goes live, but until it…

  • Just a mash of stuff – Google and the Divide

    I found a few interesting things this morning – the first an individual playing chicken with a train, the second, a report about the Digital Divide that still exists in the US between “races” (nee melatoninly differentiated populations maintained by social and economic inequity) and the last is that Writely is now accepting new registrations…

  • Picasa Web Albums – Mac tools

    Well, Google is certainly making it hard for users of Apple’s .mac service to justify the cost per year. Granted for the extra money you get more webspace and for a person like me with quite the number of photos that are likely to wind up online, that may be the deal breaker – synching…