Tag: Google
Copyright Time Machine
Well it seems that Australia (Google News) is keen on joining countries like Belgium by banning the indexing and archiving of web based content – something that Google claims will blast the country back to the pre-Internet era – all in the name of copyright protection. Australia wants website owners to opt into a search…
Google Voicemail, Please leave your Windows Hidey Hole
Google’s been doing quite a bit of late with their Gmail phone app, and on the same page that they are listing what’s new they have a mention of voicemail that is still only available to Google Talk users. It would be nice to have a client on other OSes that could send voicemail… maybe…
Gmail Mobile app found!
Well I was finally able to download and install the GMail Mobile app for my phone (Nokia 6620) and after poking around a bit it seems like it’s a really slick solution. Almost enough for me to reconsider my thoughts on getting a Blackberry Pearl in the future. The app is pretty quick to send…
Searching for GMail app
Well even though there is some press (Google News) for Google’s new app for Java enabled phones, it seems that going to the website with a regular browser lands you here. When I tried it from my phone, I got a message that it would not work on my phone, so something doesn’t quite seem…
Spanning Sync
It looks like there is more interest in the iCal/gCal thing – Spanning Sync will allow bidirectional communication between the two.