Tag: Google
Google and Flickr slideshow
I just found this a few minutes ago – in Google type a keyword and then slideshow and the first link will be the flickr slideshow for that keyword (or if it’s a user, it’s to their photo page). Try it out.
Google Calendar Mobile has arrived
It certainly took long enough, but the big G has got it’s butt in gear and given the world mobile access to it’s calendar. With any luck mobile broadband will continue to get faster and cheaper so that an online calendar acts almost like a local one, until then, I think that this will largely…
Google Desktop for Mac
If you are like me, you live by Spotlight – even though you know where things are, you are too lazy to dig things out of the folders that you use. Now Google has brought some competition to the desktop search space in the form of Google Desktop for Mac. Why would a Mac user…
The Prime Directive of the Interweb
Hopefully Bart gets the idea after writing all these lines. It’s been this way for a while, but after I heard a tot last night tell him mom (well, I’m assuming s/he was between k4-1) “Mom just Google to find out when it’s going to get warmer and the ice will melt”, I thought this…
Separate Google and State
I’m linking this so that I don’t get dinged by any copyright police (though I’ve got a copy if you want it later) – Get Fuzzy today has an interesting set about Google and how essential it/search is becoming to all of us. Darbey Conley had another panel a long time ago where they referred…