Tag: General Science

  • Comet McNaught

    If you are able to take a look at the horizon around sun rise/set, look for this comet.

  • Ideas – The Strangeness of Science, Quirks and Quarks

    Anyone interested in Science should listen to this from Dawkins. At about 43 minutes he talks about computer games as a way of potentially helping us change the way that we think about existence and later about how or why we personify our computers. This is a great companion to the Quirks and Quarks show…

  • Why we need Science education

    So we don’t have “trusted news people” like these talking about dying constellations, fizzles. For more great comments check out the thread on Digg. If you want to just see the video – it’s on YouTube without comments.

  • FLOWING WATER ON MARS! (hopefully, otherwise i wasted all those caps…)

    Wired has pictures as does Google News (again). I’ve got them here as well. From VOA: Edgett’s (Kenneth Edgett of Malin Space Systems, one of the scientists who revealed the surprise findings at a NASA news briefing in Washington) partner, Michael Malin, says they believe the liquid is water from underground judging by the way…

  • Zero G Bubbles

    After YouTube has been given all sorts of flak for what it has available, it’s good to see things like this to show that viral video can be used for good as well.