Tag: Games/Gaming

  • Augmented Reality – the Bee’s Knees

    Way back when Halo2 was coming out, there was a real buzz about augmented reality gaming. I Love Bees (ILB) was a part of the viral marketing behind the game and it was also part of the whole flashmob thing that was going on back then as well. Fast forward a few years and games…

  • mLearning Webinar by David Metcalf

    Yesterday, I got a chance to sit in on a webinar hosted by David Metcalf of Mlearning: Mobile Learning And Performance in the Palm of Your Hand and Blended E-learning fame. Overall it was a decent look into the “only if” world of mLearning in North American Higher Ed by showing some examples from corporate…

  • Video games are just as bad as simulations

    You know you have something wrong with your methods when a health magazine calls you out. Men’s Health noticed that the story running on BBC commenting on a German research study had their test subjects play racing games and then test their change in behaviour on a a simulator. Granted, this may have been a…

  • Gaming to push a standard on ubergadgets?

    Well, it seems that gaming, what used to and still does to a certain extent drive standards and hardware innovation on the PC platform, is now starting to be a force to standardize the ubergadet. TR reports that gaming on the phone now is much like the early years of consoles, with many different platforms…

  • The sound of gaming

    EA has released iMixes of it’s game music onto iTunes (which, if you believe some reports today has seen an doubling in use over the last year). Some of it is the generic top 40 stuff, but others is the original stuff that is commissioned for the games. This is good for so many people…