Tag: Facebook

  • Facebook hops onto Open Social?

    Well it seems that even though Facebook showed up late, it is one of the first (though unofficial?) to use OpenSocial.

  • The communication hierarchy

    I made an observation about how people seem to be using Facebook these days – perhaps seeded by Bray’s presentation. I’ve already mentioned that it seems to be the case that people enjoy maintaining their social networks on Facebook and MySpace because they go there for socialization and this way everything to do with that…

  • Facebook the old AOL?

    This is not in any way talking about how AOL is a business or anything else about how it has changed since it “connected” to the Internet. I’m talking about the old days when these large dial in networks could only support communications inside their own confines. It came to me this weekend, that it’s…

  • 7 things about Facebook

    It seems that EduCause has been on the ball with Facebook and they have one of their “Seven Things” documents available (thanks to Bill for the entire list). The crux of the document – points 4-7 basically come out to be: Creates identity and sense of belonging to a community Has addictive qualities (it’s Crackbook…

  • Facebook to Yahoo?

    Well, there are some rumblings that this might happen – Yahoo is the big contender, but Google might also be in the running – and with Google already having played with Okurt (it’s old super-geek social networking site), Facebook would be a nice way to move into “hip” culture. Either way, it’s going to be…