Tag: Experimenting
Well, it seems that I avoided the comment spams not to bad, but I’ve been getting hit pretty hard by some manner of trackback spam that SK2 should help with. They seem to be targeting my high def DVD and Vista 4 posts for whatever reason with all sorts of fetish oriented posts. I’ve been…
If you are looking at what AJAX can do and thinking that those old OS emulators are cool, check out eyeOS. While it’s not really that different than using the other online apps that are out there, this is one that puts everything together in one place.
Firefox Form Follies
It is the only thing that is annoying me about FireFox right now – that there is no documented way to clear specific form data. Now if I would have been smart, I would have Googled earlier to find the answer that I did (from Mission Data): Enter the form that you want to edit…
Pixer.us – more AJAXy Goodness
Found this online today when looking for some freeware photo editing apps. Seems to do most of what people are looking for quickly and easily.
Gmail Mobile app found!
Well I was finally able to download and install the GMail Mobile app for my phone (Nokia 6620) and after poking around a bit it seems like it’s a really slick solution. Almost enough for me to reconsider my thoughts on getting a Blackberry Pearl in the future. The app is pretty quick to send…